
Explore the free bus route from Bai Kem to Sunset Town


Now, you can easily explore the Sunset Town - Sunset Town area with the free shuttle bus with a frequency of every 60 minutes, operating continuously from 8:30 to 21:30.

At Sunset Town, you can walk among the European-style streets and take beautiful, sparkling photos. At sunset, take a walk on the Kissing Bridge - an "architectural masterpiece" to admire the brilliant colors of the Phu Quoc sky at the end of the day. As the night gradually falls, get ready for excitement and unique culinary experiences at Vui Fest Bazaar night market and end the day exploring the "pearl island" with the epic "Kiss of The Sea" show with Eye-catching fireworks displays light up the sky.​

Explore the free bus route from Bai Kem to Sunset Town


When choosing to stay at resort hotels at Bai Kem, visitors will enjoy preferential packages, including rooms at the resort and tickets to visit destinations at Sunset Town or Sun World. Hon Thom, with extremely attractive prices.